We spent the morning playing with some new-to-us old school toys that one of our bestie neighbors brought over.
I tried getting some good shots of the little one and I, but all I got was this shot of some old school erector toys. The kids love these toys, thanks bestie neighbor! Isn’t that a pretty yellow though?
Then we decided to try making some bagels and english muffins. For the past month or so we have been making all of our breads instead of buying them at the store to save money, but boy have I really missed my morning english muffins and bagels.
Any of you made homemade bagels or english muffins before? I can already tell they wont be as smooth and round as the store bought ones, but that’s ok with me. I bet they will taste better.
I’ll letcha know how they turn out. They are in the oven right now and they are already smelling delish!
I've done embrace the camera on my blog before, too! It's fun!