So I’m still working on the house, it’s never ending I tell ya! I’m just doing little touch-ups and finally adding stuff to our bare walls. It is finally looking and feeling like home. Since Christmas I have either painted or repainted 7 of our 9 rooms. With that comes a lot of little touch-ups. So one day I decided to organize all of our paints and make up little jars for all those little touch-ups that are constantly happening. In the past I would put off all of my touch-ups because I would have to get out the gallon paint can. It just seemed like too much work for me. But now these little jars make touch-ups so quick and easy…and I actually use them.Of course I chose to use canning jars with plastic lids to store my touch-up paints in. Did you expect anything different from me?
Then I store all of my little jars in a box that I bought in the office section at Walmart. It fits them all perfectly and even has a little extra room for my sponge brushes and paint can openers that always seem to disapear.
The box is stored in the house with all of our office supplies. Kind of a weird spot you would think, but it works for me and that is what is most important.
And since we are talking about painting, how many of you have tried Frog Tape? It is the best! Yes, a little more expensive then the cheap stuff, but well worth the extra buck. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of Frog Tape that I have gone through in the past year.
So now you can organize all of your paints and keep your walls looking brand new and clean. Gotta love that! Now I’m off to the paint store to buy more white paint for the trim. Like I said, it is never ending!
This is one of the best ideas I’ve run across, and has saved me a mess of trouble painting this past week!
great idea!!! and i LOVE your bold choice of colors. can you share the paint names and brands with us?
I have been looking for this idea but can’t find anything at Lowe’s, Home Depot, Auto Zone, etc. Tell me where to purchase the canning jars with lids, please. thanks so much for your web site, really enjoyed looking at it.