Can you believe summer is almost over? (sniff-sniff) My oldest starts kindergarten this year and I am trying really hard to finish our bucket list before school starts…and life as we know it changes forever. No really, I am excited for him to start, yet I am so sad at the same time. OK enough sappy talk. So we are spending the last few weeks before school officially starts by adding more checks to that summer bucket list of ours.I really wish that I wouldn’t have waited so long to do the lemonade stand because it was so much fun! In all honesty it wasn’t until I saw this momma’s lemonade stand that I started getting really excited about doing it. Shame on me I know, but sometimes you just need a little inspiration from someone else to get your ideas rolling.
But really I should have just asked the kiddos in the first place how they wanted to set it up, because let me tell you these kids had ideas! We were able to do all of them except build the stand from scratch. Oh yes, they surly have our genes. We are in trouble.
Luckily I was able to decorate the stand and add a few of my own touches to it, but other then that I was told what to make and even what colors to use. Thank goodness his favorite colors right now are yellow and green, because that was so the color scheme I was hoping for. I know one of these days I am going to have to give up the control over such things.
It’s a hard thing to give up when your a crafty momma that loves to make things look pretty. But I also want to encourage them to have their own ideas and want to be able to step back to let them do so. I have to say the best part about being crafty is the endless supplies we have. Don’tcha agree? I already had everything on hand for the stand and what we did need was purchased at the Dollar Store. The lemons were by far the most costly part of the stand.
The kids squeezed 18 lemons by hand. It ended up being the perfect amount for the three pitchers we had. Yes, this was VERY time consuming but it had to be homemade. That is just how we roll and yes as always, it was delish!
The pom-poms were another buy from the Dollar Store and ended up being a major hit. We actually got three customers to stop just because they said the girls were too cute shacking them and they just couldn’t pass by.
We sat at the lemonade stand for 4 whole hours. Sometimes we just couldn’t understand why no one was stopping…I mean we had cute signs and all.
And those kids were working really hard at getting customers.
My son decided to tell a free joke with every cup of lemonade. They weren’t actually jokes, they were more like riddles but nonetheless they were funny. His favorite to tell was “Justin Beaver has a fever.” Most people just laughed to be nice, but thanks to the last customer of the day who just happened to be a 10 year old girl in love with Justin Bieber who laughed like crazy.
Sweetly the motive behind the lemonade stand was make money so that he could buy Daddy a tractor. Can it get any sweeter then that?! I think not.
I’m pretty sure that we would have to have a lemonade stand everyday for the rest of our lives… and we still wouldn’t be able to buy a tractor for Daddy.
But we sure did try. We ended up with 17 customers and some major belly aches. I’m pretty sure those cupcakes and Rice Krispie treats were requested for a reason and it wasn’t to make money. I guess I can’t blame them because I snuck a few treats for myself.
Thanks to all that stopped by. It was all of you that made it so much fun! And yes, the kiddos are already planning another one. After all… Daddy needs a tractor.
Oh Christina – this has to be just about the cutest thing I have EVER seen! That sign with the free joke is just precious. Oh my goodness, I am so in love with your children! Well done Christina – WELL DONE!
I am dying over the cuteness factor!
How cute! Your kiddos are adorable and I just love your lemon
ade stand.
That is seriously the cutest thing ever! Your kiddos are so sweet, and I’m loving the free jokes! We go back to school on Wednesday, and I’m totally not ready for summer to be over yet. I think I’m one of the only moms who actually prefers the lazy unstructred days of summer instead of being excited about shuttling them off and back to school. My big guys are kindergarten and 1st grade this year…I can’t believe I’m at the point where I will have TWO of them in school now! Hope the rest of your summer is awesome!
I would’ve stopped by just to see those cute kids. 🙂