Six March 26, 2013Hello! It looks like you are new here. I would love it if you subscribed to my blog via Bloglovin My little boy turned six last week. We celebrated his birthday with a yellow and green John Deere cake. Related posts:Fabric covered 3 ring binder tutorialShades of me {blue}Perfect Pattern Parcel #2 «»
Pam says March 26, 2013 at 3:04 am Adorable Cake! With a family full of mid-west farmers, I’m partial to John Deere tractors too! 🙂
Ann says March 26, 2013 at 2:00 pm My brother would have *loved* this as a kid. He was one of the only kids who desperately wanted a manure spreader for Christmas.
Chris says March 26, 2013 at 2:57 pm Noooo…. He’s not 6. There’s no freaking way. Happy Birthday “little” guy. (P.S. We’re potty training here. Wheeee….!)
Karen says March 26, 2013 at 4:22 pm Happy birthday, Ernie! I love your chocolate chip road. I’ve always used ground up Oreos, but your way is a lot less work and just as cute.
Kim@NewlyWoodwards says April 3, 2013 at 7:01 pm This turned out so awesome! Love the polka dots. We’re a John Deere family (hubby works for Seeding and my parents both retired from corporate)> Henry already has lots of John Deere stuff, so I have a feeling he’ll be bleeding green.
Adorable Cake! With a family full of mid-west farmers, I’m partial to John Deere tractors too! 🙂
My brother would have *loved* this as a kid. He was one of the only kids who desperately wanted a manure spreader for Christmas.
Noooo…. He’s not 6. There’s no freaking way.
Happy Birthday “little” guy.
(P.S. We’re potty training here. Wheeee….!)
Happy birthday, Ernie! I love your chocolate chip road. I’ve always used ground up Oreos, but your way is a lot less work and just as cute.
wow that is beautiful.. one happy camper no doubt!
This turned out so awesome! Love the polka dots. We’re a John Deere family (hubby works for Seeding and my parents both retired from corporate)> Henry already has lots of John Deere stuff, so I have a feeling he’ll be bleeding green.