I spent the morning doing some spring cleaning. My many trips to the Cleaning/Utility Closet reminded me that I still needed to post pictures of it. After all, it is one of my favorite rooms in the house now. For some reason, this little room just makes me smile. Do you remember a few months back when I showed you my plans for the room. Of course at the time my hubby laughed at my plans. He thought my scaling was way off. Of course I disagreed with him at the time, but now I have to fully agree. The room is a bit smaller then I first thought and that changed my layout a lot, but thankfully I was still able to fit everything in there that I needed to. You will have to forgive me for the picture quality. It was really hard to get a good picture of such a small and poorly lit space.
When I was cleaning out the closet I realized that I had a ton of extra cleaning supplies. I had no idea they were all hiding in there. Actually there were a lot of things hiding in there. One more reason to be organized, right? Let’s start with the top shelf. As you can see I store all of my cleaning supplies there, along with my extra laundry supplies. Above this shelf is a little shelf that I use to store all of our batteries, light bulbs and cords.
The second shelf stores my “cleaning buckets”, garbage bags and throw rugs. I made up these “cleaning buckets” a few months ago and they have cut down on my cleaning time drastically. When it is time to clean a room I just grab my bucket and go. Everything is already in there that I need to clean a room. One bucket is for the bathrooms and the other is for all the other rooms. The little bucket on top is used when something needs a really good scrub down. I use it when I am cleaning the sinks, toilets and windows. It has also come in really handy with my spring cleaning.
In the picnic basket I store all of my cloth rags. I do not buy paper towels at all so I have to have a huge supply of microfiber cloths on hand. I buy all of my microfiber cloths at The Home Depot in the cleaning section. You can get a huge bag of rags for peanuts. The little bucket in the corner holds all of my supplies and attachments for my vacuum cleaner. The green file boxes on the right are empty right now, but some day they will be filled with important papers or who knows what.
A big ole basket on the bottom holds all of our toilet paper and baby wipes. In the corner is a little basket full of plastic bags from the store. Eventually I would like to make one of those cute hanging fabric bags to use instead. Add that one to my ever-growing sewing to do list.It was really hard to get a picture of everything since it is such a small space, but on the side wall I hang all of our mops. In case you have noticed I do not have any brooms in the house. I guess I just prefer to use vacuums.
And you know me, I love a good before and after.
See why I wanted this room redone? The before picture was taken a few minutes after the hubby started working on it, so it looks a little worse then normal. But for the most part that is what it looked like before…minus all of the junk piled up.
Thanks for the inspiration. I really like what you did with the space.