Visiting the Lupine Festival in the Spring has become an annual event for us. Even the kiddos are starting to enjoy it just as much as I do.
They even started asking me about it once they saw the lupine blooming in our garden.
The girls dressed themselves that morning in their matching dresses that I made them here. Of course one of them wore their dress backwards, but that’s all right with me. I just love that they will wear what I make them, even if it is on backwards.
They get to run through the “maze” of flowers, while I stand back and watch…while taking a bazillion photo’s of the lupine.
It is just too beautiful not too.
There are fields full of lupine with The White Mountains in the background.
Everywhere you look it is a beautiful scene.
The pink and white lupine are rare to find, which makes them more beautiful. The girls were really good at spotting them.
Afterwards we always make sure to stop and have some pancakes.
Even though the pancakes are super yummy, the old wooden horse outside is the real reason the kiddos want to keep coming back.
Okay, those pictures are beyond spectacular. You should frame some. How fun. I bought a plant a couple years ago and it didn’t come back for me, which was surprising ’cause I think they grow wild in Oregon, too. Maybe I gave it too much love. :o)
I’m diggin’ the new wood boards on the edges of your page.
You bring so much joy into my life. I love how creative you are with sewing and the amazing fabrics you choose. Your generosity in sharing your beautiful family,your home and your pictures. I live in Oregon and these pictures could have been taken here in our state. Thank you for sharing.and your new format.
This is just breathtaking!! Where in the world is this located?
The dresses are so cute and so are the girls. They look a lot alike! 🙂 You take beautiful photographs. I’m currently taking online classes through the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for photography…. I’ve noticed a lot of your photos and how professional they look. What are you using for a camera? I have a Nikon D5100 that I bought for school and I love it! I was just up through Sugar Hill this morning on my way to a dr. appointment at the Alpine Clinic. All the Lupines are still in full bloom, but unfortunately, I forgot to grab my camera on my way out the door. May have to make a special trip back tomorrow just to get some pictures…. but yours are beautiful… thanks for sharing! 🙂
Oh my! Where do you guys live (round about)? Lupines are glorious! Our Texas state flower is a type of lupine but much smaller. Do you guys have the book Miss Rumphius? That’s all I could think of when I looked at these beautiful photos!