A few years ago I wrote this post about homegrown popcorn. I had actually forgotten all about the post until the other day when I was contacted by a reporter from Australia. She was writing a story about where popcorn comes from for a children’s news program and was asking permission to borrow a few of my pictures. Of course I said “yes” and couldn’t wait to see it.
The show aired yesterday on Australia TV and it is such a great video about where popcorn comes from. You can see it here. My pictures are only shown for a few seconds in the beginning part of the show. They say Courtesy of Christina Ray in the upper left. Yes, they misspelled my last name, but I don’t care. It was still exciting to see. It is crazy to think that some pictures of popcorn grown in New Hampshire is now being shown on TV over in Australia. The internet is a crazy thing isn’t it?! Make sure you watch it with your kiddo’s. It is a great little clip about popcorn, even I learned a few new things about it.
Super cool!!!!
awsome! congrats on your recognition!
Nice to be recognized! And by the way, much better font style on your blog. Thank you for making in easier to read 🙂
Wow! That’s so cool!!
La ética me ha llegado al suelo. y gobernaron hasta el siglo V También hay opciones de
lujo, con deportivos descapotables a quinientos euros por tres días.