Did you know that it is National Sewing Month? It is also Waverly fabrics 90th anniversary! To celebrate, Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores and Waverly fabrics is holding a Waverize It! Facebook contest. Head on over to read all the details. Trust me, this is a good one and you will not want to miss it! The grand prize is $1000 in Waverly fabrics and a $250 gift card to Jo-Ann’s. How is that for a contest?!
As part of the celebration Waverly and Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores sent me some beautiful Waverly fabric to see what I could create with it. I decided to create a kids chore chart. It is something I have been wanting to make for some time now.
I came up with a simple design that I think will work best for our family. The chore chart has three sections and two pockets in each section. Each kid gets two pockets. One pocket in the front and one pocket in the back. The pocket in the front holds the chores that need to be completed and the pocket in the back holds the completed chores.
They simply grab a chore card from the front pocket, complete the chore and then move the chore card to the back pocket. When the front pocket is empty they have completed all of their chores.
To keep the chores organized I color coded them with my kids favorite colors. I also added a felt flower (in their favorite color) to the front of the pockets so they know which pocket is theirs.
This chore chart is just as much for me as it is for them. This way I know who is supposed to help me vacuum for the day and who is going to help me make dinner. No fighting over who did what yesterday and who’s day it is today.
Any of you use a chore chart? Do you give rewards? Please I would love to know!
And don’t forget to check out the Waverize It! Facebook contest!
This is such a cute kids chore chart!
Pinning !
look here kids chore chart