I just love all of the cabochon jewelery I have been seeing all over etsy and blog land. I’m not much of an accessory girl, but I just can’t help but love these flowers. A few weeks ago I ordered some supplies to try my hand at jewelery making. And like most crafty things I do, I fell in love… Keep Reading
giveaway winner is…
Lizzardmoon who said…I would love to make my little girl a sunbonnet to protect her from the summer sun. After that I’d have fun making little dresses. Congratulations!! I was so excited by how many of you entered and how so many of you are into quilting. I started a quilt about 12 years ago and have yet to finish… Keep Reading
Fat Quarter Friday {giveaway}
Today is my 2 year mark of selling on etsy. It was a hard decision to make, but it turned out to be one of the best. But mostly if it was not for selling on etsy, I never would have started this little blog of mine. This blog started out just as a place to promote my shop and… Keep Reading
fat quarter friday {giveaway}
Hope you all liked the cinnamon and heart garland tutorial from Modern Country Style this morning. Now on with the giveaway and it’s just in time for Valentine’s Day. Here’s what I will be giving away to ONE lucky winner… two baby better bags (aka, boo boo bags) and three fat quarters from WHAT A HOOT! from Camelot Cottons. To… Keep Reading
Just a quick reminder that the giveaway ends tomorrow (Thursday). And, I wanted to give you a little peek at what we will be making this week for fat quarter friday… Thanks for all the wonderful comments and ideas. You definitely gave me some great ones to work with. Now I just hope I don’t disappoint y’all. I have to… Keep Reading
fat quarter friday {ruffled wristlet tutorial and a giveaway}
Welcome to fat quarter friday! Now that we all know what a fat quarter is, let’s get started with our first tutorial. Ruffled Wristlet Tutorial (Allow 1-2 hours to complete project) Materials Needed: * two fat quarters or one fat quarter and a scrap piece of fabric.* 7″ zipper* 3/4″ D ring* clasp* flannel, batting or stabilizer (I will be… Keep Reading
giveaway winner…
Congrats Gosfam! who said… Super cute–I would love to win for my lil sister who is having a baby in March and I have to buy for her for Christmas Hope your lil sis enjoys:)
Because I can’t do it all… {Giveaway}
I had to cancel my booth at the craft fair! And I’m OK with that, well sorta. I had to come to the realization that I just can’t do it all. I did manage to make a few items for the craft fair which mostly consist of a few key fobs and some cold packs “boo boo bags.” I don’t… Keep Reading
Giveaway winners and a sneek peek at my new doors.
Thank you to all that entered. I loved hearing what your kiddo’s are going to be. And by the way my son is going to be a skunk and his sisters are going to be chickens. He came up with that one all on his own. It was inspired from the skunk that keeps getting into our chicken coop. The… Keep Reading
Wanna win a Halloween bib?
I have two Halloween bibs leftover from last year. So, let’s have a giveaway! To enter, just leave me a comment telling me what you or your kiddo is going to be for Halloween. Oh, and since I have two bibs, two winners will be chosen. Giveaway ends October 18th.